This update provides some incredible insights vis a viz the global economy. It answers the confusion regarding the future direction of recession or a soft landing; what exactly is happening in Europe and the latest developments in China.
1. World Activity Stays in Contraction – FREE

This episode of the ECON show gives an interesting and sweeping overview of the global economy and shows, using various indicators, that the world activity is in contraction is likely to stay that way for the near future. Mark Rossano helps us understand the million dollar question of whether there will be a recession or not.
2. Snapshot of the Global Economy – PREMIUM

In this article Osama Rizvi gives us a weekly update of the global economy and where are we headed in the future. He looks at European data, world economic GDP outlooks and China’s economy to reach the said and sad conclusion.
3. Global Economy: Where Do We Stand? – FREE

We at PVN have been warning of a serious economic slowdown in Europe from quite a while however the official figures were always giving mixed signals. However, now the growth expectations have been revised even officially. What does it mean for the Eurozone and global economy?
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