Primary Vision Insights – Premium Subscribers
I recommend watching our FSC video today because we cover a lot of ground on the FSC side as well...
I recommend watching our FSC video today because we cover a lot of ground on the FSC side as well...
The oil field service arena faced a slew of issues during COVID19, ranging from supply chain constraints down to labor...
The crude markets have readjusted a bit following some wild swings started by an “erroneous” Reuters article saying that Saudi...
U.S. completions activity had a slight bounce as the smaller basins saw additional activity.
The U.S. saw a drop in completion crews as worked slowed for the 4th of July holiday and a broad...
We had a bit of a slowdown in completion activity, which is normal for this period of time as we...
U.S. completion activity continues to trend higher as smaller basins start seeing some seasonally normal increases in activity. There is...
The energy markets continue to swing around following the OPEC+ agreement at the beginning of June. Our view has always...
OPEC+ production fell because of Nigeria, which has been reversed for the most part in May.
Completion activity took another leg down today by ten driven by the Permian, Appalachia, and Eagle Ford.