August 28th, 2020
In this video, the speaker discusses the theme of recession and market sentiment. He mentions an interesting article by the oil price editorial department that questions the reliability of data from organizations such as IEA and EIA. The focus then shifts to Europe and the question of whether Europe's recession is already over. Osama mentions an article from CNN titled "Europe's recession may already be over" which highlights Spain's GDP growth and Germany's stagnation. However, the Osama points out that these improvements are insignificant as compared to a bearish base case. He then shows slides depicting the falling composite output and composite new orders index in the Eurozone's PMI, indicating contraction. The video ends with the speaker mentioning that they will look into Germany in more detail.
Key topics: recession, market sentiment, data reliability, Europe, Spain's GDP growth, Germany's stagnation, Eurozone's PMI, contraction.
#recession #marketsentiment #datareliability #Europe #Spain #Germany #Eurozone #PMI #contraction
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