NGL Monitor – Subscription Plans

Look below the subscription options for product screenshots


Monthly Subscription Plan
$ 499 Monthly
  • In-depth historical Natural Gas Liquid data by aggregate, supply source, and product
  • Natural Gas Liquid supply model updates and forecasts that provide valuable lag-closing plus an additional 12 months of forecasts by aggregate, with the ability to filter the information down to plants, refineries, and imports, as well as by hydrocarbon (when available).
  • Natural Gas Liquid demand model updates and forecasts that are similar to the supply data, providing valuable lag-closing plus forecasts by aggregate, with the ability to filter the information down to plants, refineries, and imports, as well as by hydrocarbon (when available).
  • Advanced search capabilities for monthly time series data dating back to 2010, filterable by code, title, category, sub-category, and product
  • Exclusive access to expert oil and gas Insights & Commentary
  • Visualizations including charts and graphs, all available for download
  • Full access to the Primary Vision Research Portal including the National Frac Spread Count


Yearly Subscription Plan
$ 5000 Yearly
  • In-depth historical Natural Gas Liquid data by aggregate, supply source, and product
  • Natural Gas Liquid supply model updates and forecasts that provide valuable lag-closing plus an additional 12 months of forecasts by aggregate, with the ability to filter the information down to plants, refineries, and imports, as well as by hydrocarbon (when available).
  • Natural Gas Liquid demand model updates and forecasts that are similar to the supply data, providing valuable lag-closing plus forecasts by aggregate, with the ability to filter the information down to plants, refineries, and imports, as well as by hydrocarbon (when available).
  • Advanced search capabilities for monthly time series data dating back to 2010, filterable by code, title, category, sub-category, and product
  • Exclusive access to expert oil and gas Insights & Commentary
  • Visualizations including charts and graphs, all available for download
  • Full access to the Primary Vision Research Portal including the National Frac Spread Count

Below is a rotating gallery of screenshots from our NGL Monitor. This collection offers a sneak peek into the diverse features and capabilities of our user-friendly software. Our FAQ, use cases and Glossary are designed to help fill in the gaps on any questions you might have. Experience expert level monitoring of the U.S. natural gas liquids market with monthly forecasts by aggregate, supply source and product. We also distribute key industry insights via our blog to keep you informed in between updates.

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