The billion dollar question, now-a-days, is will oil prices return to a triple digit territory? The truth is that there are so many moving pieces that no one knows the answer. There are more questions to this one than answers: Will Israel attack Iran? Will Israel attack Iran’s oil facilities? Will those be the key oil infrastructure? What will be the impact of 6 million barrels of spare capacity? Will OPEC+ inject it in the markets? Well, this update tries to provide some answers!
1. MMV: Will Oil Prices Touch $100? – FREE

Despite the ongoing conflict between Israel and Iran and the elevated geopolitical risks in the Middle East, oil prices have remained surprisingly restrained. Libya is also expected to ramp-up in crude production and this combined with the relatively stable output from other OPEC+ nations, has compensated for any potential disruptions. But all of this has not stopped speculation of a return to $100 oil price. So, we decided to speak to other experts and gather their opinion about it.
2. MST: Inflationary pressures and Germany in Recession – PREMIUM

This week’s Market Sentiment Tracker looks at various variables from three main economic engines. The point is to continue to update our readers about the main developments and help them gauge the future trajectory of global economy. We are entering very interesting (read volatile) time as we near 2025. Looking at the U.S. and the world we see that in September, U.S. core inflation, excluding food and energy, ticked up to 3.3%, just above the anticipated 3.2%. China is also pursuing a massive $850 billion bond boost to help revive its slowing economy, and OPEC’s revised estimates for Chinese crude oil demand have seen downward adjustments for the third consecutive month in October. nflation in the Eurozone, according to Greece’s Central Bank, is projected to reach the European Central Bank’s 2% target by mid-2025.
3. Primary Vision Insights – ENTERPRISE

The latest INSIGHTS by Mark Rossano provides the best mix of original and brilliant analysis combining geopolitics, macro-economy and oil markets. It comes with extremely insightful charts that really put things into perspective.
4. Profrac Holding’s Perspective in Q2: Key Takeaways – PREMIUM

In June, ACDC acquired Advanced Stimulation Technologies, a small frack service provider. The acquisition enhanced its earnings profile and improved its position in one of the most active onshore regions in the US. The company will invest in next-generation equipment that enables diesel substitution, utilizing natural gas as the primary fuel source. What does mean for the company? Read Avik Chowdhury’s latest to find out.
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