Oil prices are inching upwards, and if you want to make the most out of the opportunities in unconventional oil and gas production you need to know the lay of the land. Primary Vision has just the product for you. We leveraged our computing, qualitative analysis, and artificial intelligence capabilities to create an encyclopedia of frac’ing data on operations across the continental U.S. and Alberta, Canada.
Primary Vision Background
Our market intelligence and counseling company has been supplying data and data derivative products to the oil and gas industry since 2012. We strive to give our customers the information they need to find markets, lower their costs, and raise their revenues in this challenging marketplace. Our customers come to us to know what is happening in the oil field, and we give them a range of value-added data on the use of water, proppant, and chemicals in hydraulic fracturing. Oilfield data is, of course, invaluable to upstream companies but it also impacts companies throughout the value chain.
That is why our Products have been trusted by leading companies from a diverse range of sectors, including Schlumberger, BP, Bloomberg, Shell, PWC, Phillips, HSBC, Cameron, Honeywell, XTO, EOG, and DuPont. Proppant companies have used our reports to gain intelligence about their market, hedge funds have used our data to augment their own analysis of publically-traded companies, and private equity firms have used us to study a handful of Permian Basin counties for future investment.
Methodology Behind our Latest Report
In developing our reports, we target only the richest oil and gas data sets. Our software tools and validation process are proprietary, but we can say that we rely on collecting a broad swath of industry reports, regulatory filings, and publicly-released information. The biggest challenge with this data is that operators and pumpers in most locations make regulatory filings only every 90 days or so, and there is often a delay in that data becoming public. We strive to close that Data lag with our own predictive model.
Our model relies on collecting data from a range of industry sources and rigorously testing it through business rules and logic to ensure our data sets and forecasts are as accurate as possible.  Our proprietary system was developed by a team of leading crude oil analysts paired with professors at Oxford University. We are using modern math models, advanced cross-validation algorithms, and artificial intelligence to constantly test and refine our process.
Along with developing these massive data sets, we work on presenting the data for our clients in the most useful way. We have charts that combine actual spread data with our predictive algorithm, and we also have charts that break actual data from predicted data. We find some clients want our best estimate at what is happening and others want to see a breakout of what activity is confirmed.
National Frac Spread Count Report
Our recently-released Frac Spread Count Report is one of the most comprehensive products we have ever Released. Demand has been off the charts, as we combine easy-to-read top-line charts with more than 400 pages of more granular data. You can subscribe to our report at www.fracspreadcount.com. Subscribers get both a weekly update on the frac spread and access to historical data. If you have questions about our products or would like a demonstration on how they can help your business, feel free to contact us at info@pvmic.com.