We hope you had a great Thanksgiving! While we were on a break the global economy didn’t take any. There were many important developments. This update will try to cover that for you!
1. Monday Macro View: Future of Interest Rates – FREE

As we move near to the year 2024, one of the most important question that will determine the future of global economy is the direction of interest rates. In this Monday Macro View, Osama Rizvi, tries to highlight what are the analysts thinking in this regard.
2. Living on the Recessionary Edge – FREE

This article provides a detailed overview of the overall market sentiment of the last week. It covers all the important countries such as the Eurozone, U.S. and China alongwith important themes like recessionary indicators, developments in the oil and gas markets, and overall bigger picture issues. As per the Market Sentiment Tracker, we aren’t seeing any impetus in news or developments that can be labelled as bullish or placed at the right end of the continuum I.e. recovery. A recession is imminent.
3. Baker Hughes’s Perspective in Q3* – PREMIUM

The following article from our analyst Avik Chowdhury gives the latest overview of the financial performance, future plans and cash flow of Baker Hughes.
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